Living the perfect life is only possible if you follow the dictates of Islam perfectly. Being a muslim if that does not happen then issues are bound to arise. However, our great religion has well defined rules and remedies for every issue of life. If you live in Bradford and follow Islam then Bradford shariya council will help you see the light.
Islam takes marriages in a different light. It is the most important aspect of human life and being a muslim it is a relationship that has great religious importance. Marriage is all about flourishing in life, for that to happen there are rules that both the man and wife must follow to make things proper and have the proper bliss of marriage both physically and spiritual plain.
Unfortunately once you live in a multicultural country then it is obvious that you get exposed to a different culture and as a human you do imbibe some of it. Here is where the confusion and lack of faith comes into play. You begin to question your beliefs and get confused. Amidst this confusion breaks and cracks in relationships arise. This does not happen from one party but can happen either with men or women and for that matter both.
Here it becomes important to understand that small fights between couples are fine but great differences of opinion and lack of mutual trust is not. That’s why our beautiful religion has rules that if followed ensure that a man and wife live in harmony and peace for an entire eternity.
However, in reality the damage caused by the environment at times is great and marriages just don’t work out. Islam understands the pains of its follwers and has ways to take care of them. Islamic divorce is not a simple process as portrayed in the common culture and movies. There is a well laid out path for the process to happen. At Bradford shariya council our learned scholars do everything in their capacity to avoid divorce, if however things are really problematic and divorce is the only way out then we make sure that it happens as per the rules laid down by the shariya.
There is so much to life that can be enjoyed in harmony. Marriages should be harmonious and full of love, if there is a lack of trust and love between the couple then it is better to part ways before things turn uglier. If you are a muslim couple facing issues with your marriage at Bradford, then its time to talk to us. We want every follower of islam to live a life of perfection and nothing else. Do connect with us at earliest, maybe it is not too late for you. Breaking relationships is quick, fixing them back is dreadfully slow and full of obstacles. Be on the happier side of life.