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Talaq Divorce UK

Looking for Islamic Talaq in UK?

Your marriage may not have gone as per your plans. However, as a true Muslim, you must ensure that your Talaq divorce UK Muftis perform takes care of the rights of all the involved parties and is accepted by the community. Get the expert help you need, fill in your details now.

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Life in the UK can be stressful for many Muslim families. They are constantly torn between following the rulings of Quran and mixing with people from other faiths who have a completely different lifestyle and approach to religion. Many Muslims, thus, find it extremely hard to manage the demands of maintaining a life balance between their partner they have entered Nikah with and engaging with the outside world to sustain life in the UK.
We offer consultation to such stressed couples as per Allah’s decrees and Sharia Law. However, in unfortunate cases where not living together seems to be the best way forward, we do facilitate a Talaq divorce UK Sharia experts perform. There are many intricacies involved in an Islamic Talaq, and to avoid any potential hassles down the road, you must seek the services of an experienced and qualified Mufti who knows Sharia Law inside out. Click here to request a call back and find out how we can help.

Can the divorcer (al-Mutalliq) ask for an Islamic Talaq?

Before a divorce certificate can be issued, it has to be determined if the divorcer or “al-Mutalliq” possesses the characteristics required by the Sharia Law for them to demand a Talaq divorce UK Muslim community will accept. This determination is not as straightforward as applying a set of mathematical formulae to reach a number that fits within a certain range. It takes the expertise of a reputed Islamic expert whose decision is backed by the knowledge of Sharia Law and respected in the Muslim world.


In general, a child cannot ask for divorce, even if they have attained “mumayyiz” or discerning age. However, this determination needs to go through more introspection besides biological age – only a Sharia Law expert can make the determination, so it is accepted by the Muslim community at large.


Islamic Talaq by somebody who is insane cannot be held valid, irrespective of the mental state being temporary, permanent or something that is a recurring condition.
Divorce by somebody who is in a disoriented state because of high fever or unconsciousness can also not be considered valid. A substantial section of the UK Muslim community is also exposed to drugs, like alcohol. If the Islamic Talaq is executed in an intoxicated state, the determination of the validity becomes complex and raises various questions. Was the unlawful intoxicant consumed voluntarily? Did the “al-Mutalliq” consume something which is allowed? Had the divorcer been coerced or stupefied into drinking?
Most instances of a talaq divorce UK sees happening are when the person is in a fit of anger. Talaq may or may not be valid if the divorcee fails to hold on his senses completely – so much so, that they almost act like an insane person. Also, the intent to divorce needs to be examined very closely before a talaq can be granted. This, again, needs a Sharia Law expert to step in.

Free volition and intention

A person under duress may not be considered eligible for a Talaq divorce UK Muslim community will accept. If someone pronounces divorce only to deny intention later raises complexities that may lead to annulment of the Islamic Talaq.
Not only does the divorcer (al-Mutalliq) need to qualify at the time of Talaq, even their Guardian (Talaq al-Wali) may need to be vetted in some cases. Don’t make the mistake of thinking your Talaq is valid just because you follow some hear-say or go by your half-baked knowledge of the Islamic teachings laid down by Quran. Seek guidance from an authorized Sharia Mufti. We serve the entire UK Muslim community from our offices in Bradford, Rotherham and Dewsbury. Click here to request a call back to discuss your situation.

Is the divorcee (al-Mutallaqah) in the right state for the Islamic Talaq?

The divorcee’s (al-Mutallaqah) age, physical state, menstruation cycle, menopausal condition, pregnancy and intercourse history/timing are critical to determining if this disassociation will become part of Talaq divorce UK communities accept.
Sunnis and Shias have different ways of handling prohibitions dictated by Islam during the divorcing of a non-pregnant, adult wife based on if the marriage has been consummated, who may be undergoing periods or has undergone copulation during “iddah”, or her purity time between menstruations (whether intercourse has happened or not has to be considered) .
In some cases, the divorce may be considered “haraam” but not invalid. This means that you may be pronounced a sinner and be liable for punishment under Islamic law if you fall in the trap. Also, the divorce may be nullified in specific cases.
As a Muslim, you do not want to be labelled as a sinner or found guilty of having conducted “haraam”. Do yourself a favour, don’t go into the Talaq process before first consulting a reputable UK Sharia expert. Request a call back from Sharia Office to discuss your situation.

Are you following the right Pronouncement of Divorce (al-Sighah) process?

How do you know if the Talaq divorce UK Mufti is performing is as per the strict Islamic guidelines laid down by the Sharia law?
For the Islamic Talaq to be valid, the pronouncement must be made by following the specific formula laid down for this. Recitations with errors in pronunciation or infested by conditions are not acceptable.
If the wife is given the option of divorcing herself by the husband and she takes the offer, the validity of divorce may be doubted. Similarly, Talaq may be affected if the husband is questioned after the Talaq and he does not answer in a specific manner to fulfil the requirements of Islamic Talaq.
Writing or gesticulation are not accepted as forms of executing divorce unless the “al-Mutalliq” is dumb or unable to speak. Every attempt must be made to recite the Talaq in the Arabic language. Oaths, vows, pledges or any other thing will not culminate in a valid Islamic Talaq except the recitation of the required word after all the conditions and limitations have been fulfilled.
You are not allowed to break the bond of love and compassion except when there is no doubt that an authorized Sharia expert has dissolved the marriage. Also, the Talaq must be witnessed by two just (adil) witnesses. Then there are the complex issues of divorcee’s claim of “Tahlil” and the second husband (muhallil).
You are a Muslim in a western country and just cannot afford to make mistakes in your Talaq, or your after-life could be full of complexities. Your future is a lot more important than risking it on careless decision-making. We offer our excellent Talaq service in the UK for a nominal fee of £150 (£200 with certificate). Request a call back from our Sharia experts for more information.

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